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  • Habitat: terrestrial
  • Species list: Contingency plan species for Wales
  • Kingdom: Plantae

Priority species for Wales


Showing 1 - 14 of 14 taxa
  1. Acacia saligna (Labill.) H.L.Wendl. non-native

    Species, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

  2. Alternanthera philoxeroides Griseb. – Alligator Weed non-native

    Species, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

  3. Andropogon virginicus L. non-native

    Species, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

  4. Baccharis halimifolia L. – Tree Groundsel non-native

    Species, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

    Llwyn Creulys, Llwyni Creulys

    Establishment status: GB Establishment Status - Not established

    Priority species for Wales: Prevention

  5. Cortaderia jubata (Lem.) Stapf non-native

    Species, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

  6. Gymnocoronis spilanthoides (D.Don ex Hook. & Arn.) DC. non-native

    Species, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

  7. Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden. – Sosnowsky's Hogweed non-native

    Species, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

    Establishment status: GB Establishment Status - Absent

  8. Lespedeza cuneata (Dum.Cours.) G.Don non-native

    Species, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

  9. Lygodium japonicum (Thunb.) Sw. non-native

    Species, Fern, Terrestrial

  10. Microstegium vimineum (Trin.) Camus – Japanese Stiltgrass non-native

    Species, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

    Establishment status: GB Establishment Status - Absent

  11. Nassella neesiana (Trin. & Rupr.) Barkworth – American Needle-grass non-native

    Species, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

    Chilean Needle Grass, Plufwellt America

    Establishment status: GB Establishment Status - Not established

  12. Persicaria perfoliata (L.) H. Gross – Mile-a-minute Weed non-native

    Species, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

    Asiatic Tearthumb

    Establishment status: GB Establishment Status - Absent

  13. Pueraria montana var. lobata (Willd.) Sanjappa & Pradeep – Kudzu Vine non-native

    Variety, Flowering plant, Marine, terrestrial


    Establishment status: GB Establishment Status - Absent

  14. Triadica sebifera (L.) Small non-native

    Species, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

  • »

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