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  • Species list: NRW Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (SMNR)
  • Kingdom: Plantae

Wales marine risk assessment

WFD UKTAG impact

Priority species for Wales


Showing 61 - 67 of 67 taxa
  1. Salvinia molesta Mitchell – Giant Salvinia

    Species, Fern, Freshwater

  2. Sarracenia purpurea L. – Pitcherplant non-native

    Species, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

    Pitcher Plant, Ffiolys, Piserlys

    Establishment status: GB Establishment Status - Established

    Priority species for Wales: Prevention

  3. Triadica sebifera (L.) Small non-native

    Species, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

  4. Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg. – Western Hemlock-spruce non-native

    Species, Conifer, Terrestrial

    Western Hemlock, Hemlog y Gorllewin, Sbriws-Hemlog y Gorllewin, Sbriwsen-Hemlog y Gorllewin

    Establishment status: GB Establishment Status - Established

  5. Vinca difformis Pourr. – Intermediate Periwinkle non-native

    Species, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

    Perfagl Serennog

    Establishment status: GB Establishment Status - Established

  6. Vinca major L. – Greater Periwinkle non-native

    Species, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

    Llowrig, Perfagl Fawr, Gwanwdon, Erllysg, Erllysg Fwyaf, Perfagl Mwyaf, Perfagl Fwyaf, Ysgarllys, Llawrig, Gwanwdon Mwyaf

    Establishment status: GB Establishment Status - Established

  7. Vinca minor L. – Lesser Periwinkle non-native

    Species, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

    Perfagl Fach, Llowrig Lleiaf, Erllysg Lleiaf, Gwanwden Lleiaf, Perfagl, Ysgarllys Bychan

    Establishment status: GB Establishment Status - Established

[counting] records from [counting] taxa

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